Thursday, July 25, 2024

Creation II: Symbiosis and Synergy of Life

                                                               Creation II 

Symbiosis and Synergy of Life
Dr Abe V Rotor

Part 1 - Unity in Diversity
Symbiosis* and Synergy** of Life in acrylic on canvas 30"x40" by Alas 5 Films Group University of Northern Philippines, with finishing touches by the author as critic and instructor, 2024,

Two phenomena of life - symbiosis and synergy,
present the brighter side of Darwinian evolution;
not only the fittest survive the test, but unity
and harmony, the key to diversity and stability.  

*Symbiosis is any type of a close and long-term biological interaction between two biological organisms of different species, termed symbionts, be it mutualistic, commensalistic, or parasitic. In 1879, Heinrich Anton de Bary defined it as "the living together of unlike organisms." 

**Synergy is an interaction or cooperation giving rise to a whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts. The term synergy comes from the Attic Greek word συνεργία synergia from synergos, συνεργός, meaning "working together". Synergy is similar in concept to emergence. Wikipedia

Migratory birds, detail of painting

Migrating birds fly over the landscape
 settle down for a while to rest,
finding it an abode, suitable and safe,
a habitat of peace and caress.

*In 2024, World Migratory Bird Day was celebrated on May 11 in the spring and again on October 12 in fall. The conservation theme this year is Protect Insects, Protect Birds, and focuses on the importance of insects as essential food sources for migratory birds. World Migratory Bird Day 2024 | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Monarch butterflies, detail

From the North down South across,
 seasons and boundaries,
and back home the following year -
these majestic butterflies!

*Danaus, commonly called tigers, milkweeds, monarchs, wanderers, and queens, is a genus of butterflies.  Migratory in nature Monarch butterflies don't spend winter hibernating but move down in huge numbers down South such as in Mexico where they spend their lives and breed, then return up North with their progeny when it's spring in North America.  The same pattern is observed in other parts of the world. The biology of Danaus leaves a lot of mystery scientists are still studying. AVR

Young Mountaineers, details of painting

There's more than reaching the top on a mountain;
 conquer the summit and you conquer fear;
an adventure, in a song, to climb every mountain
thereafter, inside you the biggest fear.  

* Mountain climbing is an adventurous experience as it teaches people how to overcome their fears and face their challenges. It is not easy to conquer such great heights, it scares off the toughest of people but the thrill makes it worthwhile.

Mountain climbing, a beautiful adventure

Mountaineering* is beautiful,
 Homo ludens'** man's game for fame
defying risk of life and limb and all,
all for glory its highest aim.   

*There's an incredible view at the top of a mountains that gives a feeling of joy and victory. Climbing is superb for fitness, requiring strength, power and endurance.
** Homo ludens means "man, the player" as compared to Homo sapiens (man, the thinker), Homo faber (man, the builder) and Homo spiritus (the praying man). AVR 

Parrots, Rosellas* and Parakeets, details of painting

Parrots - imitators of human voice and sound,
so with Rosellas and the native Tariktik**;
Parakeets - most common bird pet in cages;
what is freedom? If only they can speak.

*Rosellas are in a genus that consists of six species and nineteen subspecies. These colourful parrots from Australia are in the genus Platycercus which
 means "broad-tailed" or "flat-tailed", reflecting a feature common to the rosellas and other members of the broad-tailed parrot tribe.  A parakeet is a small- to medium-sized species of parrot, in multiple genera, that generally has long tail feathers. It has a lifespan of 5 to 8 years, and longer in the wild living with its flock. 
**Tariktik is hornbill, now a threatened species.  The reason for decline is its habitat destruction, hunting and poaching. It is illegal to hunt, capture or possess rufous hornbills under Philippine Law RA 9147. 

A Search for Wildlife*, details

They are all around but you don't see them
in their abode hiding or in camouflage;
active in the day or night - or in between,
among trees, in a stream or in a cave.

*Wildlife refers to undomesticated plants and animals which abound in nature without having been introduced or domesticated by man. Together with other forms of life formed themselves into a dynamic system we call ecological system.  Ecosystems dominate natural habitats of countless organisms living together in a state of homeostasis.  
Part 2 - Rose Garden 
A Bed of Roses in the Wild, details

"A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose." 
Gertrude Stein said when asked what is a Rose.  
"Sacred Emily" 1913.  

 Exquisite Flowers of a Rose, details  

In The Little Prince, there's but a single rose plant
the Little Prince loved so much.
"How beautiful you are!" he once exclaimed
"Yes, I know." she answered in vanity.
On his visit here on Earth the Little Prince 
encountered a garden of roses
so common he soon realized.
Yet the more he loved his only rose on his planet.
What makes a rose so lovable?

A rose is either a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa, in the family Rosaceae, or the flower it bears. There are over three hundred species and tens of thousands of cultivars. 

Part 3 - Rainbow Butterfly 
  Rainbow butterfly, an experimental art

The rainbow butterfly carries a symbolism -
a deep spiritual meaning, representing hope, 
happiness, renewal, and the promise 
of better things to come. Don't give up.

A dream about a colorful butterfly often symbolizes positive change, joy, creativity, new beginnings, or spiritual messages. Consider the butterfly's colors and your feelings within the dream for a deeper understanding. The vibrant colors of the butterfly in your dream suggest feelings of joy, creativity, and optimism. Internet

Prism* on Wings on various planes, detail 

On Wings of Song by Felix Mendelssohn** -
it's a butterfly whenever i play it on violin,
fluttering in early sunshine in the garden,
a rainbow on wings in a sacred hymn.  

*Prism bends light into rainbow colors, its acronym ROYGBIV ("ROY G. BIV" is an acronym for the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. This song tells the tale of a man named Roy G. Biv who, over the course of his rather bizarre life, experiences the full spectrum of what the world has to offer.)
** German composer and pianist (1809-1847), Mendelssohn is considered a renaissance man thanks to his diverse intellectual pursuits. As a child prodigy, he mastered piano, sight reading, violin and viola in his youth. ~

Award-winning Alas Sinko Films, University of Northern Philippines
Kristian Jed Dabo, Vince John Ponce, Ken Artajos, Daren Rued Castigo, Beaver Aurellius Carmello, Jericko James Tano, Alvin Lloyd Gampayon, Troy Darren M Reototar,  Japer Sotelo, pose with the author, in red shirt.  

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