Thursday, March 21, 2024

Remembering Shalom Club Philippines 2

                       Remembering Shalom Club Philippines 2

  Shalom Club Philippines Activities 

    The Shalom Club of the Philippines is a community group composed of former MASHAV scholars, seeking to enhance their community through volunteerism, towards the goal human and sustainable development.

    The Shalom Club partners with the Embassy in endeavors that seeks to enhance the bilateral relations between the two countries and peoples. Led by Miss Zeny Ubaldo, President of the Shalom Club, the Club also engages in donation missions and feeding programs, around Metro Manila and outer-lying provinces.

Shalom Club Philippines First Board Meeting for 2014
From left:  Trustees Dr. Enrico de Jesus, Dr. Jose Arceo Bautista, Dr. Sonia Sarcia, Miss Zeny Ubaldo (board chairperson), Mrs. Salome Dalao, and Dr Abercio V Rotor. The meeting was held at Shakey’s, Tomas Morato QC.

Israel MASHAV maintains contact with many of its over 200,000 former course participants through its network of over 70 Shalom Clubs worldwide. These clubs serve as a forum for MASHAV alumni to participate in professional and social activities. Members are invited to attend local lectures by skilled experts, to exchange ideas and to organize technical cooperation and humanitarian assistance as well as holding cultural functions.

Among the many activities that have been organized by Shalom Clubs in their home countries 
have been workshops on professional topics ranging from AIDS education to business management, organization of events to raise funds for local charities, mobilization of club members to donate their professional services for community development and humanitarian activities. Members of the Shalom Clubs play an integral role in determining the focus and scope of programming of their clubs.

  • Madame Esther Bar-On hands out packed lunches in Meycuayan, Bulacan (December 2011)

 Feeding program for children, a joint undertaking of Shalom Club Phils, Embassy of Israel, and the Local Government (Barangay West Triangle).  In the photo are: from right, Mrs Cecilia R Rotor, Ambassador and Mrs Menashe Bar-On, and Miss Zeny Y Ubaldo, Shalom Club Phils chairperson.  

Welcome to Kuya Center
Kuya Center for Street Children

The Goals of Kuya Center are basically to:

• provide street children with evidence that there are people who care and are ready to assist them in practical ways to re-establish their self-esteem and to help them adjust their lives so that they can successfully undertake rehabilitation, reconciliation and redirection leading to becoming responsible family members in society 
once again. This will usually entail counseling their families and assisting financially in their education, facilitating skills training and livelihood projects for income generation for the children and their families.
• provide the Luzon Association of Religious Brothers and the Laity, both local and foreign, the opportunity to respond to, be immersed in and reflect on the challenges faced by marginalized people in societies, with particular emphasis on street children; thus challenging people to be pro-active in a Gospel-enriched practical way.
Description: Kuya Center for Street Children caters children living on the streets, who have no family connections (abandoned, orphaned, lost runaways), who have family connections but prefer to live on the streets (runaways) who reside with their low-income families but “work” (street families), children living with their low-income family members in the community - who are more than likely ‘working children’ too economically poor for the families to be able to afford even public education.

 Children from the immediate community in Cubao are recipients of the joint undertaking - Kuya Center, Shalom Club Phils, and the Embassy of Israel in the Philippines
A word of inspiration from the Parish priest, Msgr. Daniel Sta Maria (deceased), before Ambassador and Mrs. Bar-On, Miss Zeny Ubaldo, and the founder of Kuya Center (2nd from left, seated) ~

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