Sunday, March 24, 2024

Nature Crucified "Above me rises a dead tree..."

                                              Nature Crucified 

"Above me rises a dead tree..."

Dr Abe V Rotor

Lady devotee Angie Tobias turns her attention to Mother Nature in the 
midst of today's massive destruction of the environment symbolized 
by this driftwood artwork made by the author for Lent 2024.

When the sky is gray and red in sorrow,
the fields bare and dry all around,  
the sun beats hard on ev'ry levee and furrow;
I wonder where I am and bound.

No shade to find comfort even for a while, 
save a tree standing on a hill,
where some birds briefly rest and again fly,
leaving me empty at the scene.   

I look up and wonder, "Is this Golgotha?"
No sound, no breeze, but eerie
like I were in the heart of the Sahara;
above me rises a dead tree. ~

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