Thursday, February 22, 2024

I walked among young artists in their unique world

I walked among young artists
in their unique world

"No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did he would cease to be an artist." - Oscar Wilde

Dr Abe V Rotor

First, Cubism - 
Cezanne, founder of Impressionism, 
to Van Gogh's crossroad to Expressionism; 
Picasso's three movements to Fauvism 
to Dali's Surrealism.

Silence and quiet -
the artist's unspoken dialect;
eerie to us, and very strange, 
we living on short range. 

                                             Beauty in ugliness,
could it be otherwise?
Ask the artists,
the dumb and the wise.

In art there's no time out,
and there's no turnabout; 
wait for the artist's signature, 
his imprimatur.

It is meditation, reflection;
the artist works best 
in the worst condition.

Make a hero, a saint, a queen,
that person who could have been;
not obliging to the throng
even if he may be wrong.
Singular mind, crowded mind,
would not at all make a difference;
art lives on boundless images to bind, 
on dusty volumes of reference. 

Critics, spectators - 
deep inside a longing 
to be also actors,
wishing, seeking.  
The work is done, the day is gone,
it's worth getting up and retiring;
whether complete or not well done,  
there's no perfect painting.

Where is the artist ?
his paints are fresh, 
his brush idly sits - 
he deserves a rest.

One last look - near and far -
which has a better view?
look again but refrain
from too much review. 
Respite - to us, it's recess; 
take it easy, have composure,  
when too much stress
steals away the picture. 

Late to start? 
not always to the smart;
art takes time to incubate,
 on canvas to recreate.  
Finishing touches,
prudence, prudence,
one false move loses
the whole essence.  

Giving up  ones art?
Absurd? Hark! 
artist and his art
shall never part. 

The contest closes with the day,
leaving the world on canvas to say,
our prayer of thanksgiving,
in each artist's painting. ~

Inter-collegiate painting contest held on  the University of Santo Tomas grounds, December 2012.  Note: These photos are unedited. Taken with ordinary palm size digital camera. No flash, no tripod, no filters used.

Living with Nature School on Blog
Lesson on former Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid (People's School on Air) with Ms Melly C Tenorio  738 DZRB 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday

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