Saturday, January 6, 2024

Universal Concept of the Cross

                       Universal Concept of the Cross

(Original Title: Green Cross in the Sky)

Dr Abe V Rotor

Green Cross in the Sky
Umbrella Tree (talisay) - Terminalia catappa, 
San Vicente Botanical Garden
Photo by AVR 2021



You lost your crown, but not your glory,
your function as umbrella tree;
 a ladder leans abandoned and empty;
is this symbol of man being free?

  If this is lesson to remind of man's folly 
and pride against the Almighty,
rise up on a Hill that was once holy 
for all humanity to see. 

Skeleton of a 50-year old mango tree, QC 1970
Photo by AVR

A Cross in the Sky

I have lost you forever,
now a silhouette in the sky,
spreading a gospel to remember
for the mindless passerby.

You lived half of your life,
yet fullest at the Throne,
earning it well with strife
where every seed is grown.

The birds you cared now a flock,
many a child into man;
you bid them all good luck,
and now they are gone.

For many years you sheltered me,
a thought I can't be free;
I atone for your brevity
by planting a million tree.~
Light in the Woods, AVR Megabooks 1995

Arbor Tree Cross, avr 2021

Stone Cross, avr 2022
The Cross in 6 versions (Wikipedia) 

Some images of the Cross (Internet) 
The Cross in Cubism Art ~ 

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