Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The Art of Loafing

The Art of Loafing

                                               Dr Abe V Rotor
                                Living with Nature School on Blog

UST Graduate students in ecology under the author on 
a field trip, PeƱablanca, Pampanga, 2010

Be like Thoreau and Darwin,
world's greatest loafers,
toying ideas that shock the world
by Civil Disobedience,
and Survival of the Fittest.

For the mind soars to the sky
by imagination more than reason,
and time is kindest
when the body stops working
and the spirit calm,

To nurture the hidden genius,
in sparks and spurts,
otherwise spilled to waste
in worries and cares,
and undue haste.

Churchill by the Thames,
painted peace,
when the sky was burning,
and thunder and bomb
were but one sound.

Audubon's birds were real
like living specimens,
with time at his command;
and Solomon halted his army
to let the ants pass in band.

Loafing, the habit and the art,
robs and rewards:
he by the hearth falls asleep
in spring; and who fishes ideas 
with a fishing pole. ~

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