Saturday, January 20, 2024

Lost Forest

               Lost Forest
                       Dr Abe V Rotor

Table model of a "Lost Forest" from termite nest, by the author

A staccato of chirping meets the breeze and sunrise,
Rushes the stream where fish play with the sunbeam,
Waking the butterflies, unveiled by the rising mist;
And the rainforest becomes a stage one can't miss.

     John Milton wrote his masterpiece of Paradise,
     Ludwig Beethoven composed minuet at sunrise;
     Jean Fabre and Edwin Teale with lens to see,
     Discovered an inner world Jules Verne did agree, 
     And Aldo Leopold's world in unity and harmony.

That was long time ago, now it's a race for progress,
Taking the streets, marching uphill up to the forest - 
There giant machines roar, ugly men at the helm;
Folly, ignorance and greed are one and same.

Reference:  Sunshine on Raindrops 
Copyright 2000 Abercio V Rotor and Megabooks Company

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