Thursday, October 19, 2023

October is Harvest Time!

 October is Harvest Time! 

Dr Abe V Rotor

Tinikling, painting by Fernando Amorsolo, Philippine national artist. October is a month of many festivities on the farm from harvesting to kite flying to dancing the native tinikling. Harvest festival is universal all over the world, with the goddess Ceres in the Greek mythology as the center of worship. It is after her name - Ceres - that the word cereal is derived. Cereals, which include rice, wheat, corn, barley, rye, sorghum, are the principal food of humanity.

Tinikling is the most popular and best known of the Philippine dances and honored as the Philippine national dance. The dance imitates the movement of the tikling birds as they walk between grass stems, run over tree branches, or dodge bamboo traps set by rice farmers. Dancers imitate the tikling bird's legendary grace and speed by skillfully maneuvering between large bamboo poles. Tinikling means "bamboo dance" in English. (Wikipedia)

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