Saturday, October 21, 2023

Greet Sunrise through the Trees

Trees for Peace
Greet Sunrise through the Trees

"Morning comes early as the sun peeps through the trees;
greet the birds and butterflies, lovers and artists." avr

Dr Abe V Rotor

Wake up under the green umbrella of trees, 
     cool and invigorating; 
Breathe freely, away from the stale city air,
     and catch the breeze passing.

Let the morning settle down on dewdrops,
     on mist like curtain parting;
Just let the world go by on Nature's scale,
     and life's sweet rhythm singing. 

Wake up from too much haste and worry,
     life's not a race for winning;
You may have the happiest moment in life,
     listen to the trees singing. ~ 

Canopy of heritage trees laden with lianas and ferns, 
Living with Nature Center, San Vicente, Ilocos Sur 
Greet Sunrise Through the Trees in acrylic by the author. ~
“Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky.”
— Kahlil Gibran

*Original Title - 2022 Year of the Trees

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