Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Evolving Art (ad infinitum)

                                                             Evolving Art 

(ad infinitum) 

Art works and verses by Dr Abe V Rotor 

Splash Painting

Who needs brush and canvas?
Only colors, if you must.
On the floor, just splash, splash,
to create stained glass! 

Noah's Black Dove 

I found a fossil entombed,
   of a story in driftwood. 

Duck Head  Figurine
Once hunted on water and in air,
now figurine, a grim reminder.   

Broken Jar  Alive

A lease for life indeed
through art we bid;
talent put to the test
at its very best.
Driftwood trophy

Why gold or silver a trophy:
why not remnant of a tree,
 shells forgotten and empty,
to wake us up to reality?
Driftwood Table Decor

Wasteland in the hall,
  a dreaded scene,
   aftermath of the Fall, 
of man's first Sin. ~

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