Sunday, September 3, 2023

Driftwood Strange Creatures - Emissaries of Ecological Destruction

 Driftwood Strange Creatures

- Emissaries of Ecological Destruction

An artist's view of creatures sculptured by Nature on driftwood*. The message is clear with the unabated and wanton destruction of our environment in the hands of man.   

Dr Abe V Rotor

It is a rare kind of hunt - looking for the likeness of living creatures in deadwood in logged areas.  Driftwood is the remain of trees likened to the skeleton of animals and humans. The haunting feeling of this experience runs through the artistic mind leading to the psyche and ultimately, collective consciousness.  

Have you seen a black dove in real life? 
Remember Noah's Ark? 

Transition of the dinosaur Archaeopteryx to 
birds and fowls leaves behind a fossil - or 
creates an imagery in the artist's mind.

 The legendary and biblical dragon is virtually alive, 
venerable in our postmodern art and culture -
 a perfect model of reality and fantasy combined.

Like the dragon this serpent has found a secured place in the 
minds of children in cartoons and virtual reality in fantasy 
land and on TV screen - a friend, an outcast, a villain.

Driftwood Eye

 Begging for a rightful place and peace,
this creature tells a tragic story
of man's cruelty, greed and folly,
its eye watching us never at ease.  ~

* Enhanced sculptural pieces and mural background by the author.

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