Thursday, August 31, 2023

Sweet Memories of Childhood with Nature in 4 Paintings with Verses

 Sweet Memories of Childhood with Nature
in 4 Paintings with Verses

"Oh, how we love the fields like farmers do,
But not our classmates in school though;
And Nature more than our teachers know
What the sun and rain in childhood sow." - avr 

Paintings and Verses by Dr Abe V Rotor

Bring Home the Waterfalls

            Art Workshop for Children before a wall mural by the author in his family
residence (Living with Nature Center) in San Vicente Ilocos Sur, 2017.

Bring home the waterfalls
to make it cool and green,
and grow ferns and mosses
on the wall like screen.

To deaden the roar of cars
with sweet hissing sound,
break away the stillness
where its water is bound.

Shower the scorched earth
but make the summer longer
for the kids to play around
until the season is over.

Lend beauty to the arts,
in painting, verse and song,
in solace and meditation
from the maddening throng. ~

                               Children Fishing after a Heavy Rain

           Painted from childhood memory by AVRotor, acrylic on canvas, 2002

Oh, how we love the fields like farmers do,
But not our classmates in school though;
And Nature more than our teachers know
What the sun and rain in childhood sow. 

                               Wish by the Sea

Details of Mural by AVRotor 2008

Wish the dawn comes early,
      the tides kind and low,
the bay calm and creaseless,
      and time moves slow.

Wish the wind to build up
     to a frightful rage,
the waves lap the shore
     to test courage.

Wish the picnic in another time
     and let the plans be gone;
too mean, or too naïve, the sea,
     it waits for no one.

Wish whichever mood the sea,
     lovers are blinded by ire,
ease and danger, in a drama
     close to water and fire. ~

Childhood Memories
Autumn in summer

Ambiance of Autumn in summer in the Philippines
in acrylic by the author c 2002

Childhood is when nobody misses
The morning before the sun rises,
Before the herons stake for fish,
And finches chirp in the trees.

War is fought with kites and fishing poles,
In hide-and-seek and barefoot races;
Faith grows with seasons the sky extols,
Virtues all that friendship embraces.

Summer is short, rainy days are long,
All these are but passing imagery,
For the young can’t wait, yet all along
The years, remains a lasting memory. ~


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