Thursday, July 20, 2023

Terms given to groups of animals to capture their unique qualities

Terms given to groups of animals to capture their unique qualities

Dr Abe V Rotor

A flock of birds

A colony of ants

Here is a long list of terms given to groups of animals.

1. A COLONY of ants
2. An ARMY of ants
3. A STATE or SWARM of ants
4. A HERD of asses
5. A DROVE of asses.
6. A TROOP of baboons
7. A CONGRESS of baboons
8. A COLONY of bacteria
9. A CULTURE of bacteria
10. A BATTERY of barracudas

11. (A BATTERY of lawyers)
12. A SHOAL of bass
13. A COLONY of bats
14. A CLOUD of bats
15. A SLOTH or SLEUTH of bears
16. A COLONY of beavers
17. A FAMILY of beavers
18. A GRIST, HIVE, SWARM of bees
19. A CLUSTER or NEST of bees
20. A FLOCK or FLIGHT of birds.

21. A POD of birds (small flock)
22. A VOLARY of birds (in an aviary)
23. A BRACE (a pair of game birds or waterfowls)
24. A DROVE of bullocks
25. A KALEIDOSCOPE of butterflies
26. A FLUTTER of butterflies
27. A RAINBOW of butterflies
28. A CARAVAN, FLOCK or TRAIN of camels
29. An ARMY of caterpillars
30. A HERD, DROVE or DRIFT of cattle.

31. A MOB of cattle (US and Australia)
32. A POUNCE of cats
33. A KINDLE, LITTER OR INTRIGUE (for kittens)
34. A BROOD, FLOCK, RUN or PEEP of chicken
36. A HERD of cows
37. A KINE of cows (12 cows are a FLINK)
38. A PACK of coyotes
39. A TRAIN of coyotes
40. A BAND of coyotes

41. A ROUT of coyotes
42. A HERD, SEIGE or SEDGE* of cranes
43. A CAST of crabs
44. A CONGREGATION or NEST of crocodiles
45. A BASK or FLOAT of crocodiles.
46. A HOVER, MUSTER, or PARCEL of crows.
47. A MURDER of crows
48. A HORDE of crows
49. A PARLIAMENT of owls
50. A LITTER of cubs

51. A TROOP of dogfish
52. A PACK (wild dogs) or KENNEL of dogs
53. A LITTER of puppies
54. A FLIGHT or DOLE of doves
55. A TEAM, FLIGHT or FLOCK* of wild ducks in flight
56. A CONVOCATION of eagles
57. A CONGREGATION of eagles
58. An ARRAY of eels
59. A HERD or PARADE of elephants
60. A CRASH of elephants

61. A HERD of elks
62. A GANG of elks
63. A CHARM of finches
65. A RUN of fish in motion
66. A STAND of flamingoes
67. A FLAMBOYANCE of flamingoes
68. A CLOUD, HATCH or SWARM of flies
69. A SKULK of foxes
70. A CLOUD, TROOP or COMPANY of foxes

71. A GAGGLE or FLOCK of geese
72. A SKEIN, TEAM or WEDGE of geese (in the air)
73. A PLUMP of geese (on water)
74. A CLOUD OR HORDE of gnats
75. A FLOCK, HERD or TRIBE of goats
76. A TRIP of goats
77. A CLOUD of grasshoppers
78. A SWARM of locusts
79. A NEST of hornets
80. A SCATTERING, SEIGE or SEDGE* of herons

81. A CHARM of hummingbirds
82. A BEVY of larks
83. An EXALTATION of larks
84. An ASCENSION of larks
85. A PARTY or SCOLD of jays
86. A TROOP of lemurs
87. A SCOURGE of mosquitoes
88. A PACK or SPAN of mules
89. A WATCH of nightingales
90. An ENCHANTMENT of nightingales

91. A TEAM or YOKE of oxen
92. A DROVE or HERD of oxen
93. A BED of oysters
94. A SQUADRON of pelicans
95. A FLOCK or FLIGHT of pigeons
96. A DROVE OR STRING of ponies.
97. A NURSERY of raccoons
98. A MURDER of ravens
99. A CONSPIRACY of ravens
100. A HERD, HAREM, TRIP or ROOKERY* of seals

101. A DEN, BED, PIT or SLITHER of snakes.
102. A NEST or KNOT of snakes
103. A HOST of sparrows
104. A FLIGHT of swallows
105. A BALLET of swans
106. An AMBUSH or STREAK* of tigers
107. A COMMITTEE of vultures
108. A SCHOOL of whales
109. A HERD of whales
110. A ZEAL, HERD or DAZZLE of zebras

Acknowledgement: Thanks to Hint and Things Collective Nouns, Internet

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