Monday, July 24, 2023

Men and women who rose to fame in spite of their handicaps

  Men and women who rose to fame in spite of their handicaps 

Around us - in our family, among friends, in our community - there are illustrious examples of this rare breed.  We may be among them.  Let's carry on!  

Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature School on Blog

Apolinario Mabini, Filipino hero, was an invalid. He was a revolutionary leader, educator, lawyer, and statesman who served the Revolutionary Government, and the First Philippine Republic.

Handicaps build strength and purpose – and achievement.

Edgar Allan Poe was a psychoneurotic; Vincent van Gogh, founder of Expressionism suffered mental illness.

2. Robert Louis Stevenson and John Keats had tuberculosis.

3. Charles Darwin was an invalid in later life. PHOTO

4. Admiral Nelson had only one eye he sustained in a fierce naval battle.

5. Thomas Edison and Ludwig Beethoven were deaf.

6. So with Robert Schumann who suffered mental disorder that first manifested as a severe melancholic depressive episode.

7. Charles Steinmetz (German-born American mathematician who fostered the development of alternating current) and Alexander Pope (English poet) were hunchbacks.

8. Julius Caesar was an epileptic. Julius Caesar

9. Lord Byron had a club foot.

10. Peter Stuyvesant last Dutch colonial governor who tried to resist the English seizure of New York wore a wooden leg.

11. Pop star Selena Gomez was diagnosed with lupus.

12. Hollywood actor Tom Hanks his diabetic.

13. TV and film star Michael J. Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease when he was 30 years old.

14. Stevie Wonder, singer and songwriter, is 
blind; so with singer-lawyer Andrea Bocelli.

 was diagnosed with a slow-progressing form of motor disease that gradually paralyzed him over the decades until his death in 2018, aged 76. S
tephen Hawking 

Hawking's contribution to our understanding: the Big Bang, quantum mechanics, black holes and the theory of relativity earlier proposed by Einstein.

16. Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to earn a college degree. She published 12 books, and campaigned for women’s rights and labor rights her entire life. Helen Keller 

17. Franklin Roosevelt one of the greatest American presidents ever, had polio and was paralyzed from the waist down. FDR can take partial credit for both ending the Great Depression and defeating Nazi Germany. 

18. John Nash Jr., an American mathematician who made fundamental contributions to game theory, differential geometry, and the study of partial differential equations suffered of Schizophrenia.

19. Christy Brown (PHOTO), an Irish writer and painter had cerebral palsy and was able to write or type only with the toes of one foot. His autobiography My Left Foot was made into a Academy Award winning movie.
Cerebral Palsy.

Demosthenes, a Greek statesman and orator of ancient Athens was able to overcome stammering through great determination and practice. He is regarded as the father of the art of oration.


We don’t have to go far to illustrate this mysterious law of compensation.

1. Pres Manuel L. Quezon had tuberculosis.

2. Apolinario Mabini was an invalid. 

3. Senator Herrera is a polio victim, so with the late columnist Art Borjal.

4. Grace Padaca (PHOTO)
Politician and Broadcaster

5, Fernando Kabigting - Painter After a stroke paralyzed his right hand and blinded his left eye in 1999, Fernando had to learn how to paint with his left hand. His works are exhibited here and abroad.

6. Raymond Martin - Paralympic Athlete, born with Freeman Sheldon Syndrome,

7, Michael Barredo - Businessman, Radio Personality, and Former Philippine Sports Commissioner, a passionate advocate for people who are blind, recipient Paralympic Award,

8. Roselle Ambubuyog - Mathematician, scholar and Motivational Speaker lost her sight as a child.

9. Arnold Balais - Paralympic, Power Lifter, Swimmer, and Mountain Climber won multiple gold medals over the course of his career.

10. Romalito “Rome” Mallari - Actor deaf, nominated Best New Actor Golden Screen Award, and well-received at the Cannes Film Festival. PHOTO

11. Jovy Sasutona - Painter lost the use of his hands, spent decades using his mouth and feet to paint vibrant Filipino life.

12.Jomar Maalam Swimmer first amputee athlete

13, Raymond Martin Athlete 2012 Paralympics,

14. Michael Barredo Business Owner, Radio Personality, and Former Philippine Sports Commissioner. a passionate advocate for people who are blind..

15. Fatima Soriano (PHOTO) is a blind Philippine singer, motivational and spiritual speaker,

This is just a short list of many people who rose to fame in spite of their disabilities and other circumstances in their lives that would defeat an ordinary person. They represent the triumph of the human spirit that keeps humanity alive and determined.  They serve as shining stars in the dark hours.  They are soldiers on the front line of a battle that tests courage, goal and meaning of life. 

Around us - in our family, among friends, in our community - there are illustrious examples of this rare breed.  Most likely you are one of them.  Carry on!  
Acknowledgement: Internet reference

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