Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Glass Aquarium - Miniature Pond in the House, and a Peace-of-Mind Sanctuary

Glass Aquarium - Miniature Pond in the House,
and a Peace-of-Mind Sanctuary
Courtesy of Leo Carlo Rotor
Lagro, QC

Dr Abe V Rotor

My youngest son Leo Carlo is a very busy man.  He barely has time for leisure, and very little of rest.  Everyday, yes, except on weekends. This gives him a break, more so, renewal of energy and resolve to keep up with our postmodern living especially in the city.  He brought a fishpond home and made it into a sanctuary where he finds peace-of-mind.  

Touch the fish through glass and they respond to food and company, when everything's so quiet after work, and having gone through heavy traffic, arriving home for late supper and bedtime;

Talk to the fish like any human in his absence, and tell them of your worries and woes, and they will console you in their silence and dainty movement, gliding with joy
and cheerful disposition;

Sing to them, sing with them, hum your favorite melodies, recite a verse or two from Walt Whitman's "body electric," or Ella Wilcox's "laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone;"

Wonder with awe at their smallness, realize that being small is beautiful after all, that bigness can be compressed into miniature scale, the sea is like a lake, and pond is but an aquarium you may call your own;  

Study the fish and think of Darwinian evolution, if living things grew large, diverse and complex that now constitute our living world of today, why are there that remain unchanged, that the Guppy still a guppy;  

Rejoice with the fish like all living organisms for being endowed with that singular gift of living, though "we pass this way but once," and luckier we humans are for our longevity that surpasses most creatures; 

Reflect and meditate, in your own way, reach out beyond rationality, into the realm of reverence for life, with the fish you now have under your care, and if this is not offering, then it is thanksgiving.  ~

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