Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Self-Administrative Test in Zoology: Identify these organisms. Answer the questions in each of the 20 items

 Self-Administrative Test in Zoology: Identify these organisms.  

Answer the questions in each of the 20 items

Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature - School on Blog 
1.  Are these two photos taken from the same specimen? Yes.  Habitat: marine or freshwater? Neither, terrestrial (land snail)Common and scientific names. Achatina fulica

 2. Is this a bee or a wasp?  Common and scientific name? Order? 
Caste: worker or soldier? Honeybee, Apis melifera, (worker), Family Apidae, Order Hymenoptera
 3. When do these insects emerge? Start of habagat or monsoon season. How long do they normally live (life cycle)? Annual cicada, except the 17-year cicada. They make a peculiar continuous sound.  Which one sings - male or female?  Or both? Female is mute (speechless, voiceless).

 4. Of what use is the starfish?  starfish are predators, and they're probably the most important predator in the shallow ecosystem – so the depths where we would dive or swim. They eat basically anything that they can come across. Their feeding activities control the whole ecosystem. Do starfish live also in lakes and rivers?  Starfish are marine creatures through and through, except a few on briny water. In what way are starfish destructive? They can kill up to 90 per cent of the corals on affected reefs What does their phylum Echinodermata (Latin) mean in English? Latin echinus (spine) + dermis (skin: “spiny skins”

 6.  These look like eyes.  Do you believe in the cyclops? Cyclops, (Greek: “Round Eye”) in Greek legend and literature, are any of several one-eyed giants to whom were ascribed a variety of legends. What are these eyes really? Assignment: When you go strolling on a coral reef at low tide, look for this shellfish and pick its gem looking stone - akin to pearl. It's amulet to some people. 

7.  What is the symmetry of this organism?  Identify it.  Is it related to the starfish? Is it edible? Radial symmetry.   Sea urchine (maritangtang Ilk).  It is edible, often eaten fresh directly from its casing. 

 8. What is this organism?  What is its habitat?  What does it eat? Is there any value to humans? Brittle star.  It feeds on clams by skillfully prying open with its legs alternately exerting pressure until the clam simply cannot withstand.

9. Is this a worm or a caterpillar? Annelid or Lepidopteran? What is its defense mechanism?

 10. Frog or toad?  What is the difference of the two? If this is docile, how can it protect itself from its enemies? What is the reason why certain organisms become dormant at certain seasons?  What do you call this state of torpor in summer?  In Winter?

 11. Beware, don't touch this creature!  What happens to you when it comes in contact with the skin? What is the best home remedy?

 12.  Have you seen spiders fighting each other? For what reason? How do they catch their prey? Spiders are beneficial as biological control agents.  Explain. 

13. Is this creature really edible?  Where do you find it?  To what Phylum does it belong?  What is its defense mechanism?
 14. Is this a plant or animal?  Where do you find it? What are those large pores over its body.  Can this organism live independently? Explain.

 15. How does this moth pollinate this flower? Will this flower eventually produce seeds? Explain. 

 16. Strange fellows.  What frogs are these - dialect names?  In what ways do these organisms avoid direct competition for food and home

 17. What is the function of the eye-like spots on the wings of this butterfly.

 18. These are fossils - what are these made of?  How does the substance (element) solidify and form into various intricate shapes and designs? 

19. What do you call organisms of the same species differing in morphology such as these specimen? Name other organisms exhibiting this phenomenon.

20. Can you identify this bird? Clues: nationalistic song in Mexico.  It's an agile and swift flyer.  It is found around garbage dumps.  It produces intersperse notes.  It perches with other members in equidistance on power lines. Can you sing the popular song, La Golondrina?

NOTE: Answers will be posted in a week's time.  But please, do your homework first.
This lesson was derived from a 5-unit subject in Zoology in college. The Lesson was also taken up on the former Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid 738 KHz AM 
8 to 9 evening class Monday to Friday.  


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