Saturday, April 29, 2023

In Praise of Nature

                                    In Praise of Nature 

Dr Abe V Rotor
“One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken.” —Leo Tolstoy

Green Planet, acrylic on wood, by AVRotor, 2021. On display as 
chandelier at San Vicente Botanical Garden, San Vicente, Ilocos Sur

Lifeless, our planet turned green in a billion years;
another billion into a living world,
in chains and webs and pyramids, and ecosystems, 
with man arriving late in accord. 

Convergence in Nature
                        Convergence in Nature, detail of painting by AV Rotor 2017

To see the world in every living tree,
And Heaven in dawn’s solemnity;
Hold infinity in birds flying free
And eternity in peace and unity.

Adapted from William Blake’s Auguries of Innocence

Dimorphic Drynaria Fern
Dimorphic Drynaria Fern in acrylic by the author, 2014  

Two kinds of leaves have you to catch the sun,
rain and organic matter;
when in summer time, one dies into cap and pan
to give life to the other.

Spring on the meadow
Spring on the meadow in acrylic by the author

Mist into dewdrops like beads of pearl,
cling on grass before the sun is up,
else vanish in the air and lost forever;
come and drink from my little cup.

Rainforest Stream
Rainforest Stream. A composite wall mural by the author of a running stream 
through the woods, apparently near human habitation as shown by the 
presence of promenades and fishing enthusiasts enjoying themselves 
as in a park. Also, the stream empties into a pond of Nymphaea and Lotus
 (foreground} giving the impression that the scene is at the edge of a clearing. 
Nonetheless the whole scene speaks of an undisturbed ecosystem. The 
presence of wildlife shows that this is their natural habitat. (9ft x 12ft) 
St. Paul University, QC

Gather the clouds into fog and mist,
       rain and stream;
Gather the fish, the birds and the beasts
       to a peaceful reign. ~

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." 
- John Muir

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