Friday, March 17, 2023

Mirror of Nature on the Wall

Mirror of Nature on the Wall 

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of all?
This wall mural tells and warns us before the Fall.

Mural Painting and Verses by Dr Abe V Rotor

Orangutan and her baby perched in a tree their home -
mother and child model in the wild - and for whom?

A pair of gray herons patiently stalks for prey,
no fast food, no detritus even if it takes a day.

Too small a herd, remnant of an endangered kind;
bless he who has seen a deer free, it's a lucky find.

Kakapo, macaw, or parrot talking birds and colorful;
Bird of Paradise the rarest and brighest of them all.

Serene these creatures live in peace and harmony;
wouldn't we humans wish - if only there were many?

Nest atop a tree a mother hawk takes care of her brood;
scenario we wish, rather than living on the busy road.

A pair of love birds "'til death thou us part" bound;
while a third warns of danger stalking the ground.

A boa constrictor poised to strike or just resting,
makes a story symbolic, fearful, interesting.

Butterflies and bees too, have their share of the scene;
fluttering, buzzing in disquise, discreet on the screen.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of all?
This wall mural tells and warns us before the Fall. ~

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