Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Waterfalls Under My Feet

Waterfalls Under My Feet 

“As long as I live, I’ll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing. I’ll interpret the rocks, learn the language of flood, storm, and the avalanche. I’ll acquaint myself with the glaciers and wild gardens, and get as near the heart of the world as I can.” – John Muir

                                                        Dr Abe V Rotor

This waterfall, huge and imposing below,
where does it begin, where does it end?
minuscule from the air, the size of my shoe,
beyond sight afar, shrouded at the bend.

But I hear it hissing clear, tumbling down,
its rock walls shudder, the trees quiver,
flowing down the gully in leap and bound,
meanders and merrily pours into a river.

I've long wondered how a waterfall is made
Isn't by Nature alone, the presence of God?
yet when discovered is made into a trade!
I wish waterfalls are seen only from above.

These are two of a series of waterfalls on the slope of the mountain along the cable car route. Scanty rainfall at this time of the year (approaching autumn) explains the low water supply of the falls and their tributaries. Vegetation of the watershed is likewise poor, since many trees are deciduous (shedding of leaves) and dormant in preparation for the coming cool and windy months.

A cable car connects the main island of Hong Kong to Ngong Ping, Lantau Island, where the Big Buddha, a large bronze statue sits at the top near Po Lin Monastery. It symbolizes the harmonious relationship between man and nature, people and faith. It is from the cable car that these photos were taken through its glass floor. Upper photos were taken at the summit showing the silhouette of Buddha, and the adjoining peaks, while the lower photos showing the harbor and newly opened settlement are views half-way the car’s descent. The pair of shoes belongs to Markus two and one-half years old accompanied by his sister Mackie, their daddy and mommy, and grandparents.~

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