Saturday, January 7, 2023

"Nature, Nature on the Wall, A Beautiful Life to Recall.”

  In loving memory of the late Veneranda V Rotor, ofs 

"Nature, Nature on the Wall,
A Beautiful Life to Recall.”
Living with Nature Center, San Vicente, Ilocos Sur

 Dr Abe V Rotor

“Humans love the art of make-believe,
Scenic Nature painted on the wall,
Once empty and forgotten now alive,
Bringing in friends to the call.” - avr

Sor Veny V Rotor and Ms Helen I Nolasco (in red) pose before a mural 
painted by the author. Sor Veny was the author's sister, the eldest of 
three  siblings of the late Matias Rotor and Enriqueta Valdez..

“Sitting on the rock, reaching for the sky,
All day if you wish with no one asking why.”

“Grace is something in the spirit to share,
That grows the more we love and care.”

Sor Veny left, led house guest on a short walk at the botanical garden.

       What makes a house green
other than the color green;
but a verdant garden scene
happy and healthy to live in.

Sor Veny (foreground) led a short prayer before the 
Resurrection at her family's residence,

Apo Resureccion
How many times do we die and live again?
When we fall down and rise,
   we fail and succeed,
   when we are blind and see,
   deaf and hear,
   sin and atone,
   hate and love,
   love and care,
   ad infinitum;
the message of the Resurrection.


“Oh, heart on the wall,
Do you still feel?
Do you still throb,
The throb of love?
Ivy, ivy on the wall,
Don’t hide a living heart.”

House guest Ms Helen Nolasco poses before 
a painting of the author inspired by Grieg's Morning.

“Heavenly rays above your head, an experience full,
Enlightening to the heart and soul;
Listen to a voice once on Damascus Road to Saul,
Shh… just listen, listen to His call.” - avr

Stairway connects art gallery and library.

Stairway connects
the past and the present,
man and his Creator,
events current and future,
known and unknown
now and hereafter.

Sor Veny Rotor (right) explained to house guest some modern 
paintings at the gallery, among them are her works.

Modern art
Impressionism to surrealism,
Dali, Matisse, Picasso to blame;
Avant-garde and graffiti, the same;
Please roll back to realism.

Sor Veny V Rotor and Ms Helen I Nolasco (in red), house guest 2020
Living with Nature Center Rotor Residence
San Vicente Ilocos Sur ~

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