Friday, January 20, 2023



Harmful effects of radiation to humans
and the environment
  • Mobile phone towers threaten honeybees.
  • Smartphone radiation can damage DNA, affect male fertility and change the brain`s metabolism.  
  • Other effects are listed hereinunder, subject to further study.  
Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature - School on Blog

Mobile phone towers threaten honeybees
The Philippine Star September 5, 2009

NEW DELHI (AFP) - The electromagnetic waves emitted by mobile phone towers and cellphones can pose a threat to honeybees, a study published in India has concluded.

Honeybee worker gathering nectar and pollen from Kamias flowers.

An experiment conducted in the southern state of Kerala found that a sudden fall in the bee population was caused by towers installed across the state by cellphone companies to increase their network.

The electromagnetic waves emitted by the towers crippled the "navigational skills" of the worker bees that go out to collect nectar from flowers to sustain bee colonies, said Dr. Sainuddin Oattazhy, who conducted the study, the Press Trust of India news agency reported.

He found out that when a cellphone was kept near a beehive, the worker bees were unable to return, leaving the hives with only the queen and eggs and resulting in the collapse of the colony within 10 days.

Over 100,000 people in Kerala are engaged in apiculture and the dwindling worker bees population poses a threat to their livelihood. The bees also play a vital role in pollinating flowers to sustain vegetation.

If towers and mobile phones further increase, the honeybees may be wiped out, Pattzhy said.~

Keep smartphones away from your bras and trousers
Last Updated: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 - 16:35

Melbourne: People these days are practically glued to their smartphones, but you should place some distance between yourself and your phone and avoid keeping them in bras and trousers.

Dr Devra Davis, an American scientist who has been studying the effects of mobile phone radiation for many years, has warned mobile phones could be doing more harm than good, reports

Note: Photos supplied by the author from the Internet

The scientist said mobile phone-like radiation was being used positively in the medical field to treat liver cancer, detect cancer and enhance the absorption of drugs in the brain.

But the reason it is able to do this was because the radiation broke down the blood brain barrier, which protects the brain from foreign substances that may injure it.

Hence it can also damage DNA, affect male fertility and change the brain`s metabolism. And that`s not all- researchers have also found mobile phone use could contribute to the development of depression, diabetes and heart irregularities.  
Here is a report on the harmful effects of cell site radiation in India 2010

 Note: Photos supplied by the author from the Internet

Submitted To Secretary, DOT, Delhi Prepared By Prof. Girish Kumar
Electrical Engineering Department IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumai – 400 076 December 2010
1. Biological effects due to microwave radiation
  • Risk to Children and Pregnant Women
  • Irreversible infertility
  • Calcium ion release from cell membranes
  • DNA damage
  • Interference with other gadgets including Pace
  • Makers
  • Effects on Stress Proteins
  • Effect on Skin
  • Tinnitus and Ear Damage
  • Effect on Eye/ Uveal Melanoma
  • Cell phone emission weaken bones
  • Salivary gland tumor
  • Melatonin Reduction
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • Increase in Cancer risk
  •  Blood Brain Barrier
2. Adverse effect on birds, animals and environment
  • Effect on Honey Bees
  • Effect on Birds
  • Effect on mammals and amphibians
*Lesson on former Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid with Ms Melly C Tenorio
738 DZRB AM, 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday ~

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