Saturday, December 3, 2022

Two-Headed Skippers ^

 Two-Headed Skippers

Dr Abe V Rotor

Skippers are crepuscular (dusk loving), they
have characteristics of the moth and the butterfly.
Scientists find them unique specimens to study.

Mt Makiling Botanical Garden, UPLB, Laguna

Myth or truth - who is telling the story?
     There's a Janus among insects, too.
But where is the head, which is tail?
     I am predator, how would I know?

I would rather retreat from the puzzle
     and settle for an easier prey;
And let the world go by in fantasy
     in make-believe story.

Ask the scientists, ask the old folks,
     theirs the contrast of the other;
One holds on tools, the other on belief,
     to either one, why bother?

Cast doubt, indecision on the powerful,
     and the prey wins the game;
Creatures big and small, strong and frail,
     Survival is just the same. ~

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