Saturday, December 17, 2022

Creative Photography - 12 Photographs for Study

Creative Photography
12 Photographs for Study 

By Dr Abe V Rotor and Marlo R Rotor

Lesson in photography, photojournalism, and humanities at the UST Faculty of Arts  and Letters, under former professor AV Rotor. Briefly describe the qualities of each photograph according to perspective, theme, relevance, and other elements of art. Write a caption for each. Express yourself too, in essay and poetry.

Siesta by a wall mural of nature, Lagro QC

 Kissing a parrot on a mural, Lagro QC 

Twin waterfalls, Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte

An errand girl walks by a carabao herd, Muñoz NE

Mackie: A Little Miss

Building sandcastles. Morong, Rizal

Grandmother and grandchildren, Iba, Zambales

"A tree is a joy forever." Tandang Sora QC

Little miss before a wall mural, San Vicente, Ilocos Sur

Bacarra belfry, Ilocos Norte

Summer in a bathtub, San Vicente (Ilocos Sur)
"Thoughts run faster than vision," Guimaras

Why don't you go over your files and select your "masterpieces," organize them into an album, better yet, as a manuscript for direct viewing or publication. Share in school, community, or through the Internet. 

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