Thursday, December 15, 2022

Labyrinthian Therapy

 Labyrinthian Therapy 

Something that feels like an impossibly twisted maze is labyrinthian.

Dr Abe V Rotor

Get a piece of paper and a pencil.  Sit comfortably away from the maddening crowd. Draw a maze slowly and deliberately with the least effort. This is a journey, leaving your worries and anxieties behind. At the end of, say an hour or two, you will find yourself in a world of "peace of mind."     

The Minotaur Syndrome
We make our own lives - personal, independent, distinct - in the name of freedom, right, development, progress, and the like, in this postmodern world we live in.  And soon before we realize it, we are trapped in a maze likened to the labyrinth built by King Minos in Greek mythology.  Go back before you are devoured by the legendary half-man, half-animal monster.  Do it before it is too late. Don't exchange joy and happiness with too much ambition and adventure in life and living. 

Life is an intricate maze
Simplify your lifestyle. Don't be too idealistic.  Don't be a perfectionist.  
Don't split hairs, so too speak. You feel alone and lonely on the road you 
have built, no matter how "perfect" it may seem. 


Life is full of "dead ends"
Dead end describes a situation from which there is no escape,
a path that ends nowhere, a course of action that does not end 
in a successful resolution. A labyrinth with many dead ends
makes escape impossible. Don't be trapped.


Life is full of "entrances and exits."
After building the labyrinth of your own design, trace the "entrances and exits."
 The possibilities of freedom is the therapy to your complicated thoughts 
and feelings.

Life is full of arches

Make arches of triumph in life, however small they are.  It is a healthy 
attitude to look up for little victories emanating from achievement, deed, 
compassion, love.  Build your own "rainbow" everyday. 

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