Friday, December 23, 2022

Giant Plastic Straw Christmas Tree

Giant Plastic Straw Christmas Tree
(before plastic straw was banned)
Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature School on Blog

Giant Christmas Tree made of soft drinks plastic straw - one for the Book of Guinness.  Photos taken by the author at a parish church plaza in Bulacan, circa 2010.

Call it waste turned beautiful by small and innocent hands
into a thousand-and-one stars on a pylon rising to the sky
what we grownups simply throw away and pollute the earth,
and the manufacturers reap profits while the young ones cry.

Call it Christmas Tree, call it tree of nativity and offering,
to a Messiah when the world seeks for peace and rest;
call it a tree of Conscientization* in shrouded light and truth,
in a modern world deluged with technology and progress. ~

                  Acknowledgement: Internet illustration 


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