Monday, November 21, 2022

Hands-on and on-site learning - an experiential approach

Hands-on and on-site learning
- an experiential approach

Dr Abe V Rotor

Public high school teachers from different schools visit the Museum of Natural History at UPLB, Laguna as part of a summer graduate course conducted by the UST Graduate School.  Participants study fossils of organisms (skull of a whale, top photo), and various organisms, including petrified ancient plants that are now extinct.  The study of fossils is paleontology, a field of biology.  

The center lane leading to the main building of the University of Santo Tomas provides an outdoor extension of the classroom.  Here students in fine arts do on-the-spot painting, those in performing arts find the place a prototype stage for their final presentation. Others simply enjoy peace and quiet, away from the classroom and busy streets.     
 Children in the neighborhood attend a summer workshop on various topics from home remedies  to humanities, a faculty development project of the University of Santo Tomas in cooperation with the local government of Barangay Greater Lagro, QC. The project was initiated by the author in 2012. The project was later expanded into  Reach Out workshops for senior citizens so as to strengthen the link of the old and young generations.    
 Senior students in Mass Communication at St Paul University QC visit the International Rice Research Institute at UPLB Laguna as part of a whole day itinerary on the sprawling campus and at the Mt Makiling Botanical Garden.  Here they undergo rural immersion of projects such as the revival of the rustic bahay kubo

Joint family reunion on a weekend itinerary combines learning and pleasure at designated stations such visiting historic landmarks, and attending fiestas and other celebrations, or simply dropping at the homes of relatives and friends. This is a scenic rural residence of a relative at Agoo, La Union.  Filipinos are known for their clannish culture which is now being threatened by modern living, and exodus to cities and migration to foreign countries.

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