Monday, October 3, 2022

Midas touches the leaves of breadfruit

 San Vicente Botanical Garden
San Vicente, Ilocos Sur (Heritage Zone of the North - RA 11645)

Midas touches the leaves of breadfruit 
Artocarpus altilis (Artocarpus communis) Family Moraceae.

                                                    Photos by Dr Abe V Rotor

Amihan (cold season) has finally arrived!  Here the sun makes a halo at the crown of a breadfruit (rimas) tree  Cold wind from far Siberia and decreasing daylength ripen the giant serrated leaves into rich golden color before they fall off, and like wings, ride on the wind, and settle down on some place. 

One by one the leaves of breadfruit fall off soon after turning yellow 
to orange to brown, golden when viewed against the sun and blue sky,   
One touch of King Midas and the fields and trees 
   from verdant green turn into gold;
he comes with the Siberian High's chilly breeze, 
and gift of gold for young and old.

*The most famous King Midas is popularly remembered in Greek mythology for his ability to turn everything he touched into gold. ~

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