Saturday, August 20, 2022

25 Happy Expressions of Home. "LIFE takes you to unexpected places, LOVE brings you home.”

                       25 Happy Expressions of Home

"LIFE takes you to unexpected places, LOVE brings you home.”

Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature - School on Blog
Lesson on former Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid (People's School on Air): Home has as many expressions as people's thoughts and feelings about it. Let's take a glance on what respondents say.
 Top: Bahay Kubo in oil by AVR patterned after the song of the same title; 
Lower photos: western bungalow cottage; typical bamboo and nipa house. 

1. For a home beauty and function are one, in the same way as in biology – morphology and physiology.

2. Aesthetics is an art – it is both natural and man-made; it is a harmonious combination of the two.

3. Sanctuary is a home, simulated from the natural habitat of an organism or group of organisms. Sanctuary implies values of kindness, care, respect and understanding.

4. Generally, there are two parts of our garden to landscape – the public area and the private area, which are self explanatory.

Restored and modified 18th century ancestral home of the author. San Vicente, Ilocos Sur.

5. Home is a call, ancient craving, in fact, biological like the salmon and the dove. It is the same homing instinct of the balikbayan.

6. Home is a fortress and a lighthouse.

7. Home is made by man and perfected by his hopes and dreams. We can reach the state of perfection, if only we do the best we can.

8. These are great Filipino artists whose works contributed to having our happy home of today: Nicanor Abelardo (music), Fernando Amorsolo (painting).

Kapis window brings in the sun and breeze, warmth and nostalgia into this old home.

9. These are great Filipino scientists whose works are worthy as well in building an integrated home: Nemesio Mendiola (agriculture/gardening); Deogracias Villadolid (freshwater fishery), Leon Ma Guerrero (medicinal plants), Angel Arguelles (organic farming).

10. Other great Filipino women whose works likewise contributed to the making of a happy home: Fe del Mundo (health, specially children’s healthcare),  Maria Y Orosa (home economics/food art).

11. Even how inadequate may be our home – even if it is located along the railway - it comes to full bloom when Christmas time comes.

12. A home is a movable feast, referring to Ernest Hemingway’s early novel The Movable Feast.

Home is a workshopIt is a place to discover and develop talents.

13. A home must be efficient in protecting the dwellers from ultraviolet rays that causes skin cancer; unburnt carbon and acid rain that cause allergy and other ailments.

14. A home is surrounded by trees. Trees buffer disturbing noise from traffic, but they are good resonators of good music and conversation.

15. A 20-year old acacia tree gives a cooling effect in its shade the equivalence of 10-window type air conditioner 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, virtually without any cost.

16. Have plants in and around your home. Plants give off O2 as a by-product of photosynthesis. It is good to health.

17. The best model for a home garden is the Filipino style, because it is patterned after the structure of a tropical rain forest.

18. A home garden simulates a tropical rain forest which is basically made up of four stories just like a tall building: ground plants, shrubs, bushes and small trees, canopy layer, and emergents.

19. The most common canopy trees are  fruit trees, like santol, avocado, mango, while the most common emergent is the coconut.
Home is a greenery

20. A home is compared to a bird's nest. After the chicks have grown up and have learned to fly, they leave the nest. The difference from that of the bird's nest is that, the home is not abandoned. Now and then. the children visit their parents (and grandparents).

21. Life and love emanate, reside and grow in the home.
Home Art Gallery 
22. Home is “heaven on earth.”

23. Home is a rocking chair with long arms.

24. Home can be missed sorely like Heidi in Sipyri’s novel, about an orphan girl who was separated from her grandfather in the Alps mountain. Only when she was able to go back to her home with his grandfather that she found her world complete gain.

Country farm house, Peñablanca, Pampanga 

25. A broken home is most difficult to bear – broken by divorce, misunderstanding, quarrel, by early death, by prolonged absence – and most especially, by apparent lovelessness. If you belong to this kind of home there are two things you can do. Rebuild it, pick up the pieces and mend them together. The other is to make a new home yourself, and make it the ideal home of your dreams, the ideal home which is the highest expression of our worthiness on earth, and worthiness in heaven. ~

Igloo - indigenous Eskimo home (Alaska), adobe home (Mexico),
traditional Thai House (Bangkok); Wigwam - dwelling of aboriginal Indians
in Manitoba, Canada. Below desert tents of Bedouins..

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