Thursday, July 7, 2022

Are you a born naturalist?

                                   Are you a born naturalist?

When flood is coming, earthworms abandon their burrows.
Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature - School on Blog (
Also open Naturalism -the Eighth Sense

When earthworms crawl out of their holes and search for higher grounds, 
it is a sign that a flood is coming.

Can you read these signs?
1. Sweetness/sourness of fruit
2. Maturity and succulence of vegetables (okra, cucumber)
3. Tenderness of nut (buko, macapuno)
4. Sweetness and maturity of fruit (watermelon)
5. Time to harvest singkamas, onions, garlic, sugar beet 
6. Presence of jellyfish
7. Red tide season
8. Coming flood (earthworm abandon their burrows.)
9. Time to harvest palay, corn, wheat.
10. Slippery walkway (presence of algae and scum)
11. Depth of water (by color, sound of oar, current, clarity)
12. Cloud reading of weather.
13. Glassy eyes (deep feelings like hatred, or “wala sa sarili”)
14. Wrinkles at the corner of eyes (happy disposition)
15. Furrows on forehead (problematic)
16. Rough hand (worker, also athlete)
17. Brilliant and attentive eyes (intelligence)
18. Clumsiness, strumming (nervous, uncertain)
19. Heavy feet (angry, lazy)
20. Tight jaw (angry, restlessly active)

Here is a simple test on the ripening of fruits.  Research for the answer of each item (Assignment)

    • Generally turns green to yellow to orange (banana, orange, apple, etc. 
    • Determined by smell: guava, jackfruit, durian, melon, etc); shiny rind (caimito, sineguelas). 
    • Dull skin (chico), enlarged ridges and furrows (atis, guayabano, anonas)

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