Saturday, June 4, 2022

Taming the Wildlife - A Lesson in photography

 Taming the Wildlife - A Lesson in photography 

The rules of Nature are the same, bold and cruel, 
benevolent and fair. 

Photos and Verses by Dr Abe V Rotor

Papilio butterfly resting on a jar of water.  At home, QC   

Caution, slowly get close to your subject,
     a blue butterfly sitting by the water;
like Narcissus admiring his own image; 
     through the lens you're a storyteller.   

Salamander, aquatic reptiles raised as aquarium pets. At home, QC 

Prehistoric in miniature, these reptiles are,
     living fossils frozen by time;
revealed by macro lens the past before human
     came to earth over the clime. 

Parrots and love birds in captivity offer a close photographic 
study of colors and plumage designs. At home, QC

The hardest subject in photography is wildlife;
     unless you study them in captivity;
adapted and acclimatized they yield to details,
     obedient sans freedom and natural beauty.  

A carp eyeing a potential prey across a glass wall. 

Two worlds apart these creatures live: 
    one in water, the other in air;
Yet the rules of Nature are the same,
    bold and cruel, benevolent and fair. ~  

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