Sunday, May 8, 2022

San Vicente Botanical Garden: I love to see my grandchildren play under the trees my dad planted at home

I love to see my grandchildren play under the trees my dad planted at home

San Vicente Botanical Garden

Four generations - my dad's and mine,
that of my children, and grandchildren; 
big trees to mark the passage of time, 
sentries they stand, each to the end.

Dr Abe V Rotor

. Mackie and Laurence under a talisay (Terminalia catapa)

A kapre lives atop the talisay,
also known as umbrella tree;
 scary to grownups and kids,
though ugly, he's friendly.

 Markus, Laurence and Mackie beside a caimito tree (Chrysophylum cainito)

Caimito or star apple - greenish to purple,
shiny when ripe, soft to the touch;
milky with latex like glue to the palette,
when in season, don't ask how much.

 Playing in a Mango grove. 

My dad planted these trees too close each other;
 I asked, Why?
"You will know as they grow old", he answered.
Years and years went by,
Typhoons came, the trees stood like living wall,
sparing our house and all.

Markus beside a typhoon-felled mango tree 

Prostrate on the ground yet still alive,
children ride on it like a horse,
tumble to the ground and climb again,
such is life's mysterious force. 

Mackie props a leaning mango tree (Mangifera indica)

Imagination is stronger than this leaning tree,
a child propping it from falling down,
test of make-believe strength and determination,
wonder if ever grownups were once one.

Three kids by a  century-old wishing well and a macopa tree (Eugenia jambalana)

"Three coins in a fountain" is a song;
but these kids have another version;
around an old wishing well at home,
 wishing the good of all.

Towering Gmelina, mahogany, santol

Cherry, caimito, bitaog (palomaria)

 Towering betel or bunga nut (Areca catechu), and anahaw (Livistonia rotundifolia)

Himbaba-o or alukong (Ilk) Alleaenthus luzonicus.  The plant is dioeicious. 
The flowers of the male tree (staminate) are gathered for vegetable.

 Samat or binuga (Macaranga  tenarius). Ripe leaves are ingredient in wine making.
 Chico (Achras sapota).  Note peculiar enlarged node stimulated by suppressed root formation.
 Native or kalabaw mango trees (Mangifera indica).  Note the massive size of the trees with that of a cottage at the background..
Talisay (Terminalia catappa) produces new shoots after shedding its old leaves, a phenomenon called deciduousness. Native tamarind or sampalok (Tamarindus indica) 

Macopa (Eugenia jambalana) in fruiting season usually in summer. 

How tall can trees get?
Do they reach the sky and touch the clouds?
Yes, they do, I answered?
My grandchildren looked up high
for a long time 'til they said goodbye. ~

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