Sunday, May 8, 2022

Have you seen a pink unicorn? Or a pony-fish?

 Have you seen a pink unicorn?  Or a pony-fish?

Art can be learned not only from the masters,
but from budding artists as well.

Dr Abe V Rotor 
 A pony-fish with rainbow colors,
prancing and swimming; 
     Green for the field, blue for the sea,
bright as the sun shining.
A pink unicorn, tame and lovely;
seven headbands make her a lady, 
from fantasy to virtual reality,
for a fine children's story. 

Where does composition begin?
  It begins with inquiring look,
  agape in surprise, frozen in place, 
to imagine a nearby spook. 

A pony-bee or butterfly pony
      all dressed up for a party; 
        wonder if she's princess or fairy;
it's a rich visual story.

                                                      A test of relationship, it seems:
  one  winsthe other loses;
or, could it be master and pet,
or butterflies and roses? 

Twin hearts of two siblings, 
great love for one another;
Not yet Cupid, save your shot;
let the child artist wonder
to  write a story of her painting,
for time to remember.  

It's choreography 
of a Shakespearean play,
in far, far fairyland, 
brought by magic wand.

NOTE: The author is grandfather of the child artist, Mackie R Sta. Maria, 5 years old. 
Medium used: colored marker and pastel on drawing paper.

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