Monday, March 7, 2022

Metamorphosis Expressed through Paintings

Metamorphosis Expressed through Paintings 

“Nothing ever really goes away - it just changes into something else. Something beautiful.” - Sarah Ockler, Twenty Boy Summer

Dr Abe V Rotor

Pre-metamorphosis in acrylic by the author, circa 1998

It's a biological phenomenon in a variety of ways,
caterpillar into butterfly, dragonfly from naiad,
frog from tadpole - life cycles before our eyes;
to humans, a transformation outside and inside,
body and soul as one, the essence of rationality,
magnificent is Creation's grand design and guide. 

Post-metamorphosis in acrylic by the author, circa 1998

Biodiversity means much more in the living world,
in a game of competition and cooperation,
in the phylogeny of organisms in five sub-kingdoms;  
metamorphosis, Nature's tool of evolution.

 * Metamorphosis is a biological process by which an animal physically develops after birth or hatching, involving a conspicuous and relatively abrupt change in the animal's body structure through cell growth and differentiation. Some insects, fish, amphibians, mollusks, crustaceans, cnidarians, echinoderms, and tunicates undergo metamorphosis, which is often accompanied by a change of nutrition source or behavior. Animals can be divided into species that undergo complete metamorphosis (holometabola), incomplete metamorphosis (hemimetabola), or no metamorphosis at all (ametabola). Wikipedia

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