Thursday, March 10, 2022

Living with the Lighter Side of Human Nature

 Living with the Lighter Side of Human Nature 
Lighten your load. Brighten up. You have been too serious in life and everyday living. Shift to your right brain more often - the seat of the lighter side of human nature, and the spring of happiness. Happiness is the most basic freedom. It is the primordial right of every human being.

    1. Wit is the soul of humor
    2. Practice the art of telling jokes
    3. Take a break with jokes
    4. Religious humor and wit
    5. Feeling great with great men in the museum
    6. Marriage is the only war where one sleeps with the enemy
    7. Nahulog sa tulay (He fell off the bridge)
    8. The art of loafing
    9. The fine edge of awareness
    10. Communion with Nature - 10 ways
    11. The power of stillness
    12. Piece of Eden and peace of mind
    13. Respite with nature in painting
    14. Halloween - celebration with the dead, ghosts and spirits
    15. Nature comes alive with children on a wall mural
    16. Bring home the waterfalls
    17. Ode to a stream on the wall
    18. A kid's adventure with nature on a wall
    19. The moon in the garden
    20. Three anecdotes on friendship and career
    21. Two anecdotes on reaching destination fast & "too many cooks"
    22. Dialogue with the butterfly
    23. Black cat before a waterfall
    24. Dolls simply don't die, they just outgrow us
    25. Listen to the sea in the city
    26. Living with superstitious belief in two parts
    27. Christmas stories, events, jokes and quotes
    28. Tempering childhood with nature
    29. Young musicians 
    30. Kites and dreams
    31. Giants - real or imaginary - mingle with us
    32. Life is beautiful
    33. Second time around in my prime through art
    34. Bring home the raincloud
    35. Waterfall in our dreams
    36. Mural, mural on the wall - who is the fairest of all
    37. The sound of nature
    38. Wish by the sea
    39. Meditation - reflection and relaxation
    40. Plot the earth as it moves around the sun 
    41. Auguries of solitude
    42. Ageing is like good wine; it becomes mellow with age
    43. Do you have a happy love life?
    44. Gross National Happiness (GNH)
    45. Books written by Dr Abe V Rotor
NOTE: A good number of these articles maybe sourced from this Blog or its extension Naturalism - the Eighth Sense. Open the blog and type the article you wish to open. 

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