Sunday, March 6, 2022

Books - the Greatest Treasure of Mankind (In celebration of WORLD BOOK DAY March 3 2022 and April 23, 2022)

  Books - the Greatest Treasure of Mankind

"Books, the greatest treasure of mankind, its collective attributes as humanity, the very stimulus of man's rationality to rise above other creatures - and himself." - avr

Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature - School on Blog

Books, once the privilege of a few in pre-printing machine era, each page painstakingly handwritten, each book a well-kept treasure. 

Books, the authority, the final say, unquestioned, un-refuted, else any one rising contrary faces punishment, including death or damnation. 

Author inspects books for shipment to his ancestral home, site of the Living with Nature Center, San Vicente, Ilocos Sur 

Books, the diary, the ledger, the document of conquest and discovery, of battles fought, often in favor of the writer and party.  

Books, that gave the idea and structure of the Wonders of the Ancient World, and the significance and belief for which they were built. 

Books, that grew with knowledge, brought new schools and movements in arts and philosophy, in unending search for truth. 

Books, the most widely read, the Bible; the shortest, Albert Einstein’s e=mc2, and book-to-cinema versions of Spielberg, Lucas, Cecile DeMille, et al.  

Books, the novels that carry the greatest stories of all times are called classics, for which they are regarded timeless for their enduring universal values.

Books, the epics of Homer, stories of the Grimm Brothers, One-thousand-and-one Nights of  Scheherazade, distilled from oral literature passed through generations to our present time. 

Books, written ahead of their time - Galileo's astronomy, Darwin's evolution, Martin Luther's Protestantism ignited dis-pleasure of the Church.

Books, bedtime stories, baby's introduction to the world, legends and fantasies that take young ones to the land of make believe. 

Books, the record of ultimate scholarship, are the epitome of the greatest minds in thesis and dissertation, theories and principles. 

Books, the precursor of the Internet, the framework of the i-Pod, Tablet, Galaxy, and other gadgets that man becomes virtually a walking encyclopedia. 

Books, the progeny of the earliest forms of writing like the cuneiform, hieroglyphics, caves drawings, etchings, scrolls of the Dead Sea.    

Books, that gave the idea and structure of the Wonders of the Ancient World, and the significance and belief for which they were built. 

Books, that grew with knowledge, brought new schools and movements in arts and philosophy, in unending search for truth. 

Books, the most widely read, the Bible; the shortest, Albert Einstein’s e=mc2, and book-to-cinema versions of Spielberg, Lucas, Cecile DeMille, et al. 

Award winning books written by the author on display at the Yuchengco Museum Makati, during
the awarding ceremonies of National Book Awardees. 

Books, the greatest treasure of mankind, its collective attributes as humanity, the very stimulus of man's rationality to rise above other creatures - and himself.

Books, that brought about man's disobedience to his creator, playing god, and questioning if god made man, or that man made god.  

Books that enlighten man to care for the environment, guide the young and future generations to a better future, and lead man to save his own species from extinction. ~

* Lesson on former Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid Dr Abe V Rotor and Ms Melly C Tenorio 738 DZRB AM, 8 to 9 evening class Mon to Fri  world women's day.

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