Saturday, February 26, 2022

Travelogue in Time and Space in Paintings and Verses (7 Destinations)

Travelogue in Time and Space in Paintings 
and Verses (7 Destinations)

Paintings and Verses by Dr Abe V Rotor

Allegory Cave
The Cave of Knowledge in acrylic by the author 2022,
represents the allegory cave of the Greek philosopher Plato.*
On display at the San Vicente Botanical Garden (IS)

In some dark cave humans lived in ignorance and fantasy,
until one escaped and  followed the passing shadow, goes the story,
and found a bigger world we know today, beautiful and free;
but he never returned to tell the others of his great disvovery.  
Thus, there are still many who are living in ignorance and fantasy.

Monsoon on the highland
Monsoon in acrylic by the author 2022. Painting 
on dislay at the San Vicente Botanical Garden IS)

Roar in thunder and tumble on the rocks over
the stream to herald the coming of monsoon;
wake the seeds and the field in long slumber,
the disciples of Aergia, goddess of the lazy bone.
Spent Waterfall
Eroded Waterfall in acrylic by the author, 2022 

Hidden from man for eons in the wild, 
     until found in his search for beauty.
Oh, what an irony indeed is discovery,
     and the essense of rationality? 
Glazed Clay from Volcanic Eruption
Volcanic Rock in acrylic by the author circa 1960, 
actually glazed clay found in a tobacco barn furnance, 
a process burnay (glazed jar) is made. On display 
among rock collection at the Living with Nature center.

From dust to dust, save the clay glazed
by fire into crust; 
from dust to rock, nature takes shape, 
and returns to dust. 

Remnants of Forest Fire 
Ruin and Regeneration in acrylic by the author 2020, 
relief on wood, superimposed with stones and twig.  
On display at the San Vicente Botanical Garden (IS)

Bone dry after the conflagration, the landscape
breathes a generation;
rebuilding the lost vegetation from underground,
we call resurrection;
fire destroys and fire rebuilds, it's Nature's cycle
 of regeneration.

Where have all the wildlife gone?
Sculpt head of Philippine deer against a wall mural 
 of a spoiled landscape painted by the author, 2020.
On display at San Vicente Botanical Garden (IS)

Their habitats forever gone, invaded and destoyed,
by man's greed and folly, and rush;
where have all the wildlife gone, we ask ourselves;
Pogo says, no one is to blame but us.

A Garden in Space
The Living Universe in acrylic on wood by the author, 
depicts the abundance of primordial vegetation freely 
suspended in space, contrary to emptiness and darkness,
 save the twinkling stars in romantic fantasy. 

Our planet Earth is but a grain of sand
      in the universe; 
little do we know what is far beyond 
     since the Big Bang's burst. 

What is emptiness in outer space,
     but life in darkness;
the elements found on earth abound
     in the same likeness.

Eden is not lost after all, we praise; 
     so with life before;
our little knowledge of the Mystery 
      leads us to its core. ~

*The Allegory of the Cave, or Plato's Cave, is an allegory presented by the Greek philosopher Plato in his work Republic to compare "the effect of education and the lack of it on our nature". It is written as a dialogue between Plato's brother Glaucon and his mentor Socrates, narrated by the latter. Wikipedia

** In Greek mythology, Aergia, (ancient Greek: Ἀεργία, 'inactivity') is the personification of sloth, idleness, indolence and laziness.

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