Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Golden Shower - Nature's Regal Confetti

Golden Shower 
- Nature's Regal Confetti 

By Abe V Rotor

Inflorescence of Golden Shower (Cassia fistula) hangs
in the lazy summer air, confetti to promenaders
and weary passersby. 

The Siberian High lulls you to sleep,
     While summer heralds your birth 
Into a kingdom regal yet brief 
     That reigns over a parched earth. 

You greet the sun with garlands of gold, 
     Dancing the whole day through; 
And soon explode into a thousand fold, 
     Only to fall and cease to grow. 

Sybil’s ghost hangs, flowerless you stand, 
     Save pods dangling in dull chime 
In the wind - then fall to the ground. 
    ‘Tis the end of summer time.~

                                                           Acknowledgement: Internet photos

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