Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Deceiving Beauty in Nature

Deceiving Beauty in Nature

"Oh, beauty!  
Empty valley, dying waterfall, 
no birds, no living soul!"  - avr

Paintings by Dr Abe V Rotor


"Beauty in destruction, consequence of man's vanity
 in creating a world against natural beauty." - avr

Forest Cemetery 

"Once high rise, 
proud, lord of the sky, 
 humbled by the elements,
neglect and time.- avr 

Spent Landscape

"Oh, beauty!  
Empty valley, dying waterfall, 
no birds, no living soul!"  - avr

Predators Lurking 

"Where is Pieta in the deep,
           compassion, love, peace?" - avr

Where are the nesting birds?

"Beauty in emptiness, only the artist can tell;
real or imagined, the secret in his brush." - avr 

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