Saturday, December 4, 2021

The Green House (SVWorld Series)

Trees for Peace

 The Green House 

 Dr Abe V Rotor
"A home far away from the city,
where the mind and heart are free." avr

It's a fort of green trees around,
that buffer against noise and wind,
filter dusts and glare of the sun,
residence* for austere living

Simple and balance are its view,
white and green a perfect duo.
a home far away from the city,
where the mind and heart are free.

Botanical Garden is a living gene bank of the locality,
a collection of indigenous plants, and sanctuary
of other living things too, in their natural setting 
through the seasons and through the years.

"Murals, murals, everywhere,
 not a space left to write on,
but the art of Nature."

 Green House wedged by heritage trees, 
 three- or four generation-
They are living monuments of the family,
 the community and history. 


An illusion of a fort, 
created by murals 
and versatile lens. 

Gallery of paintings tracing the movements of art; 
stair leading to a family library and museum.

* Rotor Family Residence in San Vicente, Ilocos Sur 

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