Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Ode to a Tree that Wears a Veil (Don't Cut the Trees, Don't 1)

Trees for Peace
Ode to a Tree that Wears a Veil

Paintings and Verses by Dr Abe V Rotor 

"It is in losing your crown and die
a little in order to resurrect,
and your tenants to breath,
your litter enriching the earth, 
the womb and cradle of birth."
- AVRotor, Talisay

Don't Cut the Trees 1 in acrylic by AVRotor (36"x 48") 2021.  Painting on display 
at Living with Nature (San Vicente Botanical Garden), San Vicente, Ilocos Sur.
Details of painting are shown below.

 Ode to a Tree that Wears a Veil

A veil to shield the sun,
A veil to keep from rain,
A veil to buffer the wind,
A veil to hide the view around,
A veil to muffle sweet sound,
When you wear your crown.

A veil to let the sunshine in,
A veil to welcome the rain, 
A veil to dance with the wind,
A veil to view far beyond,
A veil to free those in bond,
When you lose your crown

A veil to clothe the naked,
A veil to comfort the lonely, 
A veil to feed the hungry, 
A veil to house the lost
A veil to welcome the dawn,
When you regain your crown.

White birds, black birds, they are one;
they share the trees, they live in bond. 

Stillness is when sweet sound rises
from the silence in the trees.

All creatures are beautiful and wonderful,
we are all part of Creation, except the fool.

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