Friday, July 23, 2021

Don't be a Victim of Heart Disease, the Number One Killer

 Don't be a Victim of Heart Disease, the Number One Killer

Dr Abe V Rotor
I have known people - a number of them relatives,
co-workers and former classmates - who died of heart disease.

If you have positive family history, you are a potential candidate to heart attack and its complications. Like Damocles Sword, you know the rules to live a long and happy life. There are ten factors you should be able to manage.

Heart on the Wall in acrylic by AVRotor, 2016

First, Don't smoke. Just don't.

Second, Exercise. Be active physically. Get out of your comfort zone.

Third, Reduce cholesterol level. Take less of meat and more fruits and vegetables.

Fourth, Never indulge in drinking.

Fifth, Live on healthy diet. Watch out your glucose level.

Sixth, Maintain normal blood pressure always.

Seventh, Don't be overweight. Reduce.

Eighth, Have regular medical checkup.

Ninth, Set a goal for your career and family.

Tenth, Have a positive outlook in life always. Reach out for life's meaning.

Why don't you download this article, print and pin it as a daily reminder?

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