Friday, June 4, 2021

Happiness – Divide it and it Multiplies

Divide it and it Multiplies

Closing Remarks by Mateo Laurencio Vicente M Rotor, 8 *
Grade 2 Convocation, Diliman Preparatory School QC

Let me first greet everyone a very pleasant day. Now that I am residing in Ilocos, I wish to greet you in Ilocano, “Naimbag a bigatyo amin.” (Good morning everyone.)

Allow me to start my closing remarks by asking you a puzzle. A puzzle is a kind of problem solving, but for us kids it is a game, and whoever can answer it first and correct, deserves a kudos - and prize.

What is it that when you divide and share it with others, the thing will multiply? Yes, it actually becomes more – the more you share with others.

It is not like pizza pie. When you slice pizza, it will soon be gone, as each one gets his share.

I repeat the puzzle. What is the thing or commodity that if you share it with others, it will multiply, and the more you share the more it will multiply, almost without end?

I can see a hand. I see more hands. I see smiling faces.

The answer is HAPPINESS. This is the theme of my talk today. Happiness multiplies a hundred times, if not a thousand folds. A pizza pie may end up with an empty plate, but not happiness.

When you are happy, people around you are happy. Smile and people smile with you. Laugh and the world laughs with you, said a famous poet. Ella Wilcox added, “Weep and you weep alone.”

“When you are happy, people will want to be around you and share your happiness, but when you are sad, people will avoid you.”

I can see that you are smiling and calmly laughing. That’s the popular expression of happiness. But where does happiness come from?

It is a discipline that spontaneously comes from within the person. It comes from a spring of joy from the mind, from the heart, and from the spirit. When we are thinking, feeling and praying.

When we get good grades, we are happy. When we receive a gift on our birthday, we are happy. Happiness goes with greetings like - Good Morning, Good Night. Notice our parents beaming with sweet smile when we are around. Say hello and pat your pet dog, and it will wag its tail and lap your face. Being courteous draws a smile from our teacher. Sharing our toys with your friends makes everyone happy. Playing as a team is happiness, even if we may lose.

Which leads us to the higher realm of happiness, the stage we at our age and grade levels, are beginning to understand. And what is that?

Happiness builds character. It builds pride and confidence. It keeps friendship alive. Happiness builds loyalty. It is the secret of good health. Remember the saying, Laughter is the best medicine. Happiness makes the morning bright; it leads us to good rest and sleep. And wakes us up ready to face a beautiful new day

And the most important role of happiness is in building true and lasting LOVE. There can be no true love without happiness. Let us then be happy – divide and share it with our parents, teachers, home, and school. Divide and share happiness with our community, country and the world. This is our most important contribution to WORLD PEACE.

Because we have solved the puzzle, we deserve a good break from school. And during this break, let’s all practice dividing and multiplying happiness and make a happy world around us.

Thank you, again, for the trust you have given me to talk on behalf my classmates, teachers and my alma mater. ~ 

* Mateo is a pupil of Teacher Jho Madriaga, 
Grade 2 Matatag, Diliman Preparatory School QC
Acknowledgement: Internet illustrations
Mateo is grandson of the author

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