Monday, May 24, 2021

Fishing on a Sunken Pier

    Fishing on a Sunken Pier

   "Stand ruins all, proud through the ages,
           in Lamarckian idleness." - avr

Dr Abe V Rotor

Remnant of the end of pier is visible in the distance. It indicates massiveness of the infrastructure which was built by the Americans before World War II. The pier was never put to used even after the war - a case of a "white elephant."
Hunting for shells and other marine specimens on the hallowed out plank of the pier.
At low tide, the waves break where the water was once deep for ocean-going ships. A bamboo raft lies idly and insignificant along a concreteA bamboo raft lies idly and insignificant along a concrete wall which toppled off from its steel reinforcement.
Rusting skeleton of the walls of the pier appears like a pair of massive rows of teeth .
Rusting steel reinforcement dwarfs promenadersappearing like menacing teeth of a giant creature. (Puerto Sunken Pier, photos by Marlo R Rotor, San Ildefonso, Ilocos Sur.)

Fishing on a Sunken Pier

Here lies the grandeur of peace in the night;
The Pyramids and the Great Wall,
Once like the Tower of Babel's might,
Now the remains after their fall.

What power ruins do have, sages?
Like the Parthenon of Greece?
Stand they all, proud through the ages,
In Lamarckian idleness.

I cast my line to weave a story
In silence, the wind my twin;
The world will never know true glory,
In fishing on a ruin. ~

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