Sunday, January 10, 2021

Birds on Treetops

                                                  Birds on Treetops

Dr Abe V Rotor


Birds (16" 28") painting in acrylic by the author 2012

                                             They chirp, but you don't see them,

     only leaves moving, rustling;

their becks red, their eyes sullen,

     and they blend with everything.


When you get near to admire,

     they shun, they stop moving,

silence the rule of their game,  

     discreet and subtle warning.


Birds are indeed real strange,

     they fly fast or sit at ease;

they sing with few notes to trace,

                                           like passing breeze in the trees. ~

          Birds Flying Free

Convergence in Nature, detail of painting by AV Rotor 2017

To see the world in every living tree,
And Heaven in dawn’s solemnity; 
Hold infinity in birds flying free
And eternity in peace and unity.

                                          Adapted from William Blake’s Auguries of Innocence

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