Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Armageddon Series 4: Diseases and many forms of human misery are masked by the Good Life.

Armageddon in the Making (A Personal Dissertation) Series 4:

Diseases and many forms of human misery are masked by the Good Life.

Diseases and many forms of human misery are masked by the Good Life. These are surreptitiously spreading around the world causing many complications, untold sufferings, and death. They turn into pandemic as they merge with other diseases – HIV-AIDS, obesity, diabetes, accidents, are becoming common cases.

Dr Abe V Rotor 

                                                    Rainbow over Beijing 

31. The most prevalent poisons in food are man-made, mostly from pesticides, particularly those designed to control pests – insects, fungi, weeds, mites, mollusks, nematodes, etc – which have developed increased resistance and even immunity through years of repeated application.  They persist as residues in food and in the environment, carried on through the food web and food chain, riding far and wide, not only on the life cycles of affected organisms, but on their interacting populations.   

32. The first pesticide of global importance is DDT (deoxy-diphenyl-tetrachloro ethane) introduced in the forties as the final answer to the malaria problem by controlling mosquitoes that spread the disease. Indeed DDT is highly effective not only against mosquitoes but other insects as well that its inventor was awarded the Nobel Prize. It was found out later that its residue is persistent and cumulative, and transferred through the food chain – ultimately reaching man. Although totally banned DDT is still clandestinely manufactured under different brands and names.

33. We exaggerate cleanliness. We use detergents, pesticides, deodorants, air fresh­eners, and cosmetics. My father used to warn us in the family, "We are unwittingly introducing into our bodies materials which may be more harmful than the germs we are trying to control." Rub-on mosquito repellant is carcinogenic, so with Chlorine added to drinking water and swimming pool. Sodium fluoride mistaken for baking powder or wheat flour is extremely harmful, although fluoride used in small amount in toothpaste helps keep our teeth strong and healthy.

34. Many kitchen utensils contain harmful metals. There is little warning, if at all, not to cook food with vinegar in aluminum pots, not to use Antimony- or Cadmium-plated utensils. Plastic containers react with food, specially the acidic ones, microwave oven emits radiation harmful to the body in the long run. In spite of this warning the use of microwave, because of its convenience, has even increased.  Didn’t the Romans suffer of a mysterious disease unknowingly caused by lead (Pb) coming from their  drinking vessels?

35. Many food additives cause of ailments and death: Vetsin or mono-sodium glutamate that retards mental and skeletal growth specially in children. Burglars silence dogs with pandesal containing vetsin. An overdose may lead to death. Unscrupulous vendors use Formalin to extend the shelf life of fish, Nitrate or salitre in meat products, food dyes, Aspartame and saccharine (sugarless sugar) and Olestra (fatless fat). The cheap kind of vinegar is diluted glacial acetic acid, the same kind of acid used in photography and other industrial processing.

36. The first case of mass lead poisoning occurred among the Romans when they changed their cups and vessels from bronze to lead. Today it is estimated that over 400,000 children in the US have an excess of lead in their systems. This cumulative poisoning affects the brain, the nervous system, the blood, and the abdominal system characterized by severe stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, weakness and confusion combined with decreased alertness. Lead in the bone marrow interferes with the formation of red blood cells as well as damaging existing ones leading to anemia, pallor and weakness, and to a severe extent, delirium, coma and even death. 

37. Rapid economic growth has led to record levels of pollution, producing filthy air rising and spreading over highly industrial centers and densely populated cities. Here power plants, factories and vehicles release pollutants into the air, and as the sun heats up the ground, the polluted air rises. But polluted air cools quickly over water and sinks to the surface and disperses. Without strong wind to clear it away, the pollution mix can build up over time, leading to BAD (bad air days) which can last for several days, and repeated over and over - and can get worse with deteriorating environmental conditions 

38. Bubonic Plague brings to mind the dreaded scourge of mankind in the Middle Ages. Rats are the carriers of this bacterium-caused disease also called the Black Death. It was so deadly that it claimed the lives of at least 100 million people with 25 million in Europe alone. It stopped man’s progress that the period was appropriately described Second Dark Ages, spreading around crowded cities and towns, with the pestilence peaking with climatic upheavals, such as what we know today as the El Nino phenomenon. The bubonic plague appeared in the United States in 1900 and then in India in the late 1970’s. Although modern medicine effectively controlled even before it reached epidemic stages, the threat looms like ghost with huge metropolises and megapolises. 

39. Diseases and many forms of human misery are masked by the Good Life. These are surreptitiously spreading around the world causing many complications, untold sufferings, and death. They turn into pandemic as they merge with other diseases – HIV-AIDS, obesity, diabetes, accidents, are becoming common cases. 

40. On human behavior: “Of all God’s creatures, there is no species more guilt-ridden, confused and self-destructive than man. Fear, remorse and frustration underlie his basic behavior probably as a result of his forbears having been driven out of the Garden of Eden…Man kills not for food, he eats when he is not hungry, he mates in and out of season. His suicidal tendencies are unique. While the lemmings drown themselves as a result of reduced food supplies, man will willingly cultivate cancer of his lungs by smoking poisonous plants, convert his liver into a hobnailed atrophic mass of dead tissues with alcohol, or remove himself from the control of his mind with narcotics…” Arturo B Rotor, MD

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