Monday, October 12, 2020

Idyllic Life on the Countryside

Idyllic Life on the Countryside 

In our dreams, the scenario is fresh, our childhood remains as living memories we cherish to face the world willingly and courageously.

Mural and Verse by Dr Abe V Rotor 

     Idyllic Life on the Countryside mural (5 ft x 12 ft) by AV Rotor 2010 

Living childhood memories of many years ago, nothing comes between adventure and joy, not even danger and old folks' advice,

Save the wind that takes our kites up, up into the sky, transfigured into images of bird, clown, dancing lady, pyramid, and many more,

Clouds rising and drifting, carving the sky with many faces, animals, monsters, ever changing in ephemeral appearance and sequence.

Between heaven and earth to a child are things real and perceived by the curious senses attuned to the sights and sounds of nature.

Home to us is a hut sans amenities, banana leaf for plate, three stones a stove, bamboo slats a bed, window and door are one.

Who gets the biggest catch is a hero, the best in kite flying, the best swimmer, best carabao rider, best tree climber, they are heroes, too.

Rules are few where freedom is open, when everyone is a kid, when parents are at home, and we kids have a kingdom of our own.

Everyone is called by alias name, by comparison with creatures, queer looks, or by any circumstance in friendly lampoon and jest.

Who cares about time but the shadow of trees and our own, the fowls going to their roost, and grownups calling us to go home?

When darkness start settling, the leaves of acacia drooping low, our kites no longer fly in the gathering silence of the end of day.

And the day ends, yet it is but a chapter of a long story of childhood spent in idyllic life in the country that city kids would hear and envy.

In our dreams, the scenario is fresh, our childhood remains as living memories we cherish to face the world willingly and courageously. ~

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