Saturday, October 24, 2020

A Little Corner of Eden in Painting

A Little Corner of Eden 

Painting by Dr Abe V Rotor 

A Little Corner of Eden in acrylic (4ft x 4ft) by the author 2020

Tell me not of a lost paradise forever gone,
but where flows gently a stream,  
with children fishing for the biggest fish, 
in fantasy and dream.    

Eagle's Nest

The bold, the brave, the regal in the air,
meek, homely, gentle, and shy
in their nest - oh, what a lovely pair!
as they rear their young to fly.

Boys Fishing 

Minutes to hours to days in summer,
shortest season of the year ever.

A flock of white doves, and A kaleidoscope of butterflies

They descend with the light in the morning,
and join the company of children fishing. 
 Lavish yet dainty their colors are in the sun,
fluttering and posing for leisure and fun. ~

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