Friday, August 14, 2020

Visit Nature in the City on a Wall Mural

Visit Nature in the City on a Wall Mural 
"Wish we are part of Nature in diorama; 
wish it is real and we shall not depart."

Wall Mural Complex painted by Dr Abe V Rotor
at his residence in Greater Lagro, QC

Under the Sea in Greek's mythology, with a touch of Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, and Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea.  

Young Neptune - he rules the sea 
on make-believe scenery;
in a far land of fantasy; 
 it's the power of  imagery. 

Endangered Wildlife represented by the deer and vanishing rainforest, a global challenge to save both the species, more so, the ecological system and biome. 

Philippine Deer - a lost family in our time,
kneels a girl in prayer consoling
in an act of friendship and love sublime,
a distress call for help begging.

Hornbill or kalaw is now an endangered species.  Attempts to domesticate it as pet 
most often fail, as wild life animals generally resist man's intervention in the guise of "benevolence."  

He hasn't seen the kalaw in its abode,
only in images and stories told;
yet he cares for the creature once bold,
now orphaned, lonely and old.
Rising with the creatures of the rainforest, as a steam of light seeps through the trees in a pristine and sacred ambiance.  

In a diorama-like presentation, 
this child acts like he is a part, 
the lead character of a living fable;
wish the scene shall not depart.

Hugging is a natural and instinctive act of love and dependence, obedience notwithstanding. It is an familial extension of our home and family to include the whole creation and living world. 

I'll never let you go away, 
seems like a song and a plea;
yet selfishness isn't the key,
but altruism as it may.

A friendly rodent emerges from its burrow like in a fairy tale, a transition of Disney's fantasy land to our real  living world.

Who lives in a hole, guess?  
A rodent, a rabbit, a mole,
a dwarf, a fairy, a troll?    
At the edge of awareness, 
she shall not simply guess.

Green grass at home with nature - what more can we ask for?  Rest is luxury today.  Find time to release stress and tension with nature.

Taking a nap by a stream 
brings some sweet dream;
with stressful life today
there's no choice but obey.

It's a changing world, not with change but retrospect of the past that has led to the present, and filling the gap, often with a puzzle, like Where have all the wildlife gone?  

It's a big, big heart these ladies offer -
 a living world of love and care,
away from school and beauty parlor,
and amenities of social affair.~

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