Wednesday, August 19, 2020

I Brought Nature Home

I Brought Nature Home

Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature School on Blog

My Garden Pond with wall mural painted by AVRotor 
2010 in his city residence, QC

I'm with Nature reading the morning paper,
whatever news it brings for the day;
I'm with Nature with brewed coffee piping hot,
rising in mist, whiling time away.

I'm with Nature, with a bit of the mountain, sea,
of rivulets, streams and lake;
I'm with Nature, clouds rising on the horizon,
white and dark, into rain they make.

I'm with Nature, the ocean spreading out
in a grasp from shore to its end;
I'm with Nature, in the sky of deep azure
birds fly free to heaven.

I'm with Nature, confined yet boundless,
by lianas, the lowly bryophyte;
Dissolving the old prison walls and bars,
that for years barred my sight.

I'm with Nature, from sunrise to evening,
writing my life in a poem,
while Midas touches everything to gold,
save where I brought Nature home. ~

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