Friday, July 17, 2020

Mutation Gone Wild Through Genetic Engineering*

Mutation Gone Wild Through Genetic Engineering*
What good is science destined to nowhere, thriving on trial and error, and having no control of good and evil?
Is the Corona virus a result of genetic engineering gone wild, 
or designed by madness?

Glass paintings and Poem by Dr Abe V Rotor
 Crustacean mutants
 Turkey fish twin
Deformed Groupers

                                           Evolution through fusion: Sargassum fish 

Who is your father, who is your mother?
your sister, your brother?
You look like no one; 
where did you come from?

Who is your guardian, who is your maker?
your ancestor, your kin?
You look like alien; 
where did you come from?

Who is your friend, who is your neighbor?
your mate, your children?
You are an outcast; 
where did you come from?

x x x

Why do you have blood other than your own?
Tissue and cells enlarged?
chromosomes paired, unpaired
DNA snipped, spliced? 

Why do you have to be a giant among the small?
Or Lilliputian to be smart?
shaped like barrel or grass,
armed with less or more?

Why do you have to eat more than you should?
ravage all - big and small
to grow too large heeding not
the fate of the dinosaur?

Why do you have to veer away from your origin?
evade the dictates of nature?
live like vagabond 
sans company, sans home?

x x x

What good is science destined to nowhere?
 thriving on trial and error?
and having no control 
of good and evil? 

What good  is science sans conscience clear?
though genius its master
at the border of insanity
for fame and glory? 

What good is science that creates a Frankenstein?
a monster deprived of love,
home and family 
rebelled against humanity?

What good is science that destroys what it builds?  
like mad destroying the Pieta,
for not seeing true beauty
in  simplicity and piety?

x x x 

Spontaneous thoughts while painting these images of an unnatural world. 

*Genetic Engineering: Today, we can incorporate new genes from one species into a completely unrelated species through genetic engineering, optimizing agricultural performance or facilitating the production of valuable pharmaceutical substances. Crop plants, farm animals, and soil bacteria are some of the more prominent examples of organisms that have been subject to genetic engineering. (Internet)

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